Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dkati and Black Morass...

The Fabulous Five (yes, I just made this name up!) took a run through Black Morass, for poops and giggles.

The combat log can be found here:

Black Morass Combat Log

Luckily, Aeonus was kind enough to drop Latro's Shifting Sword for me! I'm almost convinced I will be going combat swords in a couple weeks.

Why in a couple of weeks? Merciless Gladiator's Slicer will be MINE! Bwahahahhaha!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dkati and Mutilate versus Shadow Step

This log shows two comparable rogues, me using mutilate, and one using shadowstep. The evidence, imho, proves that ShS is horrible sustained damage. But, it's awfully fun in battlegrounds!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Dkati loves her some epics...

And, in Kara we managed to not down a single boss.

But, instead, three purples dropped of random trash. Luck, luck, luck!

I am now utilizing one sexy pair of gloves (better than what even Attumen drops!).

Grips of Deftness! Nice! According to Shadowpanter, they're barely behind the T4 rogue gloves. Wowsa! With a lucky 91/100 roll against our other rogue, Mcarros, I won!

Eresbette was nice enough to enchant them with Assault (I can't afford the crazy +15 agility enchant).

I'm to sexy for my... gloves! My first ever, non-PvP bought piece of armor.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dkati and Karazahn...

Glory Bound took a group into Karazahn, and we did quite well for our first time as a group. We downed Attumen with no wipes, on the first try. Very, very nice work.

We saw the following drops:

Spectral Band of Innervation went to Foxglovefey
Whirlwind Bracers went to Anishkaa
Schematic: Stabilized Eternium Scope is being reimbursed to Anishkaa by a GM due to a loot bug.

We then went on to Moroes, tried him 6 times. We didn't down him, but got him to 50%. It was my first time fighting him, and most of the raid. So, I think we did great!

Unfortunately, I only got the Moroes run logged, as I forgot to start logging on Attumen! Oops!

See the Glory Bound forums for a link to the WoW Web Stats report!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dkati is ready for Karazahn...

If you consider the following guidelines for being ready for Karazahn:

7,000 health
1,100 attack power
8% +hit
24% +crit
Pair of 71 DPS weapons

I am now ready to rock! Of course, it took respec'ing to combat daggers, but my stats are much more impressive:

7634 heatlh
1190 attack power
8.12% to hit
28.38% crit <-- unbuffed. Sooo happy about this.
two 71 DPS daggers

The downfall, was that it seemed I was so positionally bound in PvP that I was having a hard time. However, if the poor enemy was dumb enough to run slowly away from me....

... Well, I managed to make it into the top 3 damage dealers in alliance -- which I normally didn't do with mutilate spec. However, I attribute this to the fact that I spent a lot more time stun locking than I did with this build.

This build is doomed for failure in arena though! Luckily, BGs really take no skill when you're just pugging it!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Dkati's short SV rep run...

Nothing to mention, just ignore the four wipes on the first boss! :P


Dkati and Botanica...

Some obvious things to glean from this run: a combat rogue with better PVE equipment, weapons, and most of his enchants is more lethal than a more PVP, non-enchanted little old me!

Can't wait for some arena season 2 weapons! Now, to simply decide which type of weapon to use!

You can see the results here:

Dkati and Coilfang...

In an attempt to better my rogue skills and gear, I have started logging combat data. While the data is certain to not be 100% perfect, and isn't intended to generate min/maxing and DPS counting, I will use it as a reference to gauge my own performance.


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Dkati is looking more like a rogue...

After a few lucky runs in dungeons, I've come out looking a lot more rogue-like! Woot!