Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dkati Takes Down Two Locks...

This week went a lot better in the arena for Hroda and me.  We had some decent matchups, but we also faced some strong teams.  As usual, the warrior/druid teams beat us up pretty bad (we went 50/50 against them), but we took down some better ranked teams to peak at about 1650 before we hit some skids.  [Note: when doing arena from a laptop, remember to plug it in, or you may find yourself kaput mid-fight!]

[A quick bitch. What's up with YouTube taking my beautiful 1080p encoded video and making it so ugly. I think I'll need to look into]

One of our fights was a career highlight for me!  We entered the arena to see two warlocks with their fel-puppies out. They were playing aggressively and came running.  They spotted Hroda early, who let out a fear immediately, but not before she was loaded up with dots and gets blasted.

Meanwhile, I was scooting my stealthed butt (at stealthed speed) after one of the 'locks.  Hroda dies, and I finally nabbed my target warlock behind a pillar and made really quick work of him.  His buddy figures out where I'm at, and he begins curse of exhaustion kiting into a fear.  I'm pretty sure he can finish me at this point but instead of staying aggressive, he runs away from me. 

I take the time to dive behind a pillar, hoping to outwait the dots for a quick bandage + stealth.  This doesn't work as we realizes I'm going to try that.  With combo points in hand, I pillar hump until I can put a snare on him.  At that point, it's game over as my damage will out do his slow dots.

I even had another Cloak of Shadows waiting which I didn't use (a mistake, on my part).

It was good fun, and to get 22 points on it, I was thrilled. I'm sure those warlocks were pissed.  Luck? Probably. Fun? Oh yeah.

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