Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dkati Takes Down Two Locks...

This week went a lot better in the arena for Hroda and me.  We had some decent matchups, but we also faced some strong teams.  As usual, the warrior/druid teams beat us up pretty bad (we went 50/50 against them), but we took down some better ranked teams to peak at about 1650 before we hit some skids.  [Note: when doing arena from a laptop, remember to plug it in, or you may find yourself kaput mid-fight!]

[A quick bitch. What's up with YouTube taking my beautiful 1080p encoded video and making it so ugly. I think I'll need to look into]

One of our fights was a career highlight for me!  We entered the arena to see two warlocks with their fel-puppies out. They were playing aggressively and came running.  They spotted Hroda early, who let out a fear immediately, but not before she was loaded up with dots and gets blasted.

Meanwhile, I was scooting my stealthed butt (at stealthed speed) after one of the 'locks.  Hroda dies, and I finally nabbed my target warlock behind a pillar and made really quick work of him.  His buddy figures out where I'm at, and he begins curse of exhaustion kiting into a fear.  I'm pretty sure he can finish me at this point but instead of staying aggressive, he runs away from me. 

I take the time to dive behind a pillar, hoping to outwait the dots for a quick bandage + stealth.  This doesn't work as we realizes I'm going to try that.  With combo points in hand, I pillar hump until I can put a snare on him.  At that point, it's game over as my damage will out do his slow dots.

I even had another Cloak of Shadows waiting which I didn't use (a mistake, on my part).

It was good fun, and to get 22 points on it, I was thrilled. I'm sure those warlocks were pissed.  Luck? Probably. Fun? Oh yeah.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dkati and the Pains of Arena...

Since season 3 had started, our 2v2 has really struggled to stay above 1500.  It seems we're up against very prime comp teams, and a whole lot of them are running around with "rival", "challenger" or even "gladiator" titles!

What is more painful, is our new 3v3.  2xrouge + disc priest.  I would think we should be able to at least hold our own through the scrub brackets.  But, even at a 1350 ranking! (youch, I know!) we're seeing challenger teams.

Are these teams hiring help to get their scores up? Or, is the beginning of the season really just THAT brutal??

I don't have any answers.  I know that my 2v2 was doing better last season though.  Scrubs? Yes, we really are. But, I didn't expect this type of pain this season.

I'll just have to wait for the end of the season when we get an influx of people srubbier than us. Maybe, just maybe, we'll have a chance... maybe??

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dkati Actually beats a Paladin...

In our 2v2 [Fast and Danger!], Hroda and I had a really off night.

However, we finished the night off with a pretty good outlast match where we faced a paladin/rogue team.

Luckily, I had my capture program running for this one, so here it is!

Yes, I still click a few of my buttons.. me nub!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Dkati and Hroda face a Shaman/Warlock Combo

And, it had to be some of the funniest matches we'd seen.

The first round, I totally botched the whole thing and they won fairly easily.  The second match, I killed the lock rather quickly, but the shammy (elemental) also focused on me, so I died shortly after the takedown.

For the next 20 minutes, the shaman and Hroda played pillar-hump.  Horda had managed to mana burn him into oblivion, but the humping (helped with the snare totem) allowed him to keep running until he could heal.  Eventually, with both at full mana, Hroda baited him out with an attempt to resurrect me.  This ended with the shaman's massive burst DPS taking down Hroda who couldn't find a nearby pillar.

In the final match, I opened in the same manner, killed the warlock faster but couldn't get to my healer, or around a pillar, before some lightning roasted my ass.

Pillar humping started again.  However, we could tell the shaman was looking to rez his lock buddy.

Hroda and I made the call for him to come and rez me at the same time.  Hroda popped an immediate heal on me, I stealthed and sprinted right to the lock, who went down in 2 hits, since they hadn't been healed.  Game was over at this point when I had full health and simply stunned and slapped that shaman down.

I've never seen a resurrection in arena -- but both teams did it simultaneously.
