Arathi Basin has been around for a long time. One would think that years of playing the same battlegrounds over (and over and over) again would yield upon the general Azuremyst alliance population a clue as to how to be competitive.
Ends up, one would be wrong.
Many times, the alliance team will split to take three nodes - the Stables, the Mine, and the Lumber Mill. Technically, half the time they split to 4 nodes, and leave stables open... but that's a whole different rant.
The problem with taking these three nodes is that they are entirely difficult to defend against the zerg. If horde zerg mine, and alliance actually manage to defend by getting enough bodies there... then horde respawn at farm (or blacksmith) and have a quick path to the lumber mill. The distance they have to travel to get there is about half as far as the defenders at the gold mine have to go.
Simply stated: The LM and GM are too far apart to effectively defend against a zerg.
This is why, the single most important node in the game to capture and defend is the blacksmith. But, don't you dare speak this theory in the battleground channel. You'll be immediately bombarded with "That's the worst node ever!" and "Shut up n00b."
The number one argument that's constantly regurgitated is this: "But, Dkati, the blacksmith has too many points of entry and is too difficult to defend!"
Let me debunk this right here. This isn't a game of tactical positions on such a micro level. There is no way to effectively block someone from getting to ANY flag. Traps and AOE frost spells, at best, slow people down... but nothing will stop 5 people from mounting up and running right past a "choke" point.
And, if you're playing AB correctly, and are spending the vast majority of your time in the vicinity of the flag (you are, aren't you? You aren't letting some stink rogue ninja your node, are you!?) then choke points -- even if they existed -- are inconsequential.
So, if I had my druthers, I'd take LM, ST, BS every time. Why LM over mine? I can see more of the battlefield. Mine's a lot harder to see what's going on.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dkati will soon be immortalized...

Well, after months of sitting in a random lottery to get a chance at becoming a little statue, it has finally happened. Figure Prints has given me the opprotunity to turn Dkati into a little piece of art.
There were many interesting choices, and at $150 after shipping and tax, I took a good week to think about it. One of the largest decisions was which weapons should she wield? I haven't used daggers for ages, but Dkati grew up using them. But, the color in the daggers is much less than my swords (I have maces too.. but man, those are ugly...)
Ultimatly, I went with the daggers. I also chose to keep the helm on. It will be interesting to see if the statue finishers actually correct the hair that clips through the season 3 helm.
We'll see! I'm excited, and Dkati is too.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Kyi gets a new pet...
My druid alter-ego received a neato pet in the mail today. Note the sexy Brutal Gladiator Leggings as well! Woot!
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