Here's a picture of me waiting outside the entrance. It took a good while to find a healer to come along, but we finally did.

We downed the first boss with impunity, and no issue at all. We attempted the second boss, only to get whomped multiple times, so we bypassed him to take down the third boss, whom was considerably easier.

Then, we returned to the second boss. Basically, it went like this: kill the guards (easy), then the dragon descends at drops off his rider. He hits a little hard, but is easy to down. However, right as he is about to die, the dragon lands and proceed to fire breath the tank (if we were lucky) to death. Combined with a 2-shot claw damage, the dragon made quick work of us all. In fact, after about eleven tries (including time to go repair!) we called off the attempt for another day.

Boy, I hate this guy. So much, in fact, that he is now my new Arch-Nemesis (cue cheesy villain music!)