His name is Qz (pronounced: cue-zee). Sound like a stupid name? Well, it is purposely so. Basically, the story goes like this:
He's a dwarf. He's ugly. So ugly, in fact, that he was abandonded by his dwarven family when he was but a pup. My family was kind enough to take him into their gnomish home. However, as we all know, dwarves are intellectually insuperior to even the dumbest of gnomes. Thus, we gave him the dumbest name we could think of.
Anyways, while he may be dumb -- he sure is strong and is quite devouted to his paladin ways. Thus, I have decided to be his patron. I will outfit him with the nicest equipment gold can buy, and then send him off to Warsong Gultch to smoosh some horde!