Friday, July 28, 2006

Dkati's cousin, Kokoro...

My cousin, Kokoro (remarkable resemblence, no?) recently received her first ever wizard hat. Sure, sure, she's a priest and all -- but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy looking all arcane. After all, being holy (or shadowy, as is her case) can get boring real quick! Here's a quick before and after!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dkati gets a beatdown...

Well, my first time into Zul'Gurub was last night, and I think I spent the majority of my time in this position... At least the priests were kind enough to ressurect me.

It was fun enough, even if the outcome wasn't too spectacular. At least we killed High Priest Venoxis!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Dkati is on a quest...

I've recently been recruited into a guild, "Fatality"! And, they are looking to head into Molten Core this coming weekend.

This is all cool and exciting, however, I've never managed to get attuned to Molten Core. *sigh* This means I need to get a Shadowforge Key from the Blackrock Depths, and then attempt a solo run at the Core Fragment.

Luckily, I've found a nifty little guide for that. I really think that the Shadowforge Key will prove more difficult!!

Link To MC Core Attunement Guide

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Dkati is SCARY!!!

Around Halloween last year, there were great masks and costumes going around. I happened upon this snapshot of me with a troll mask on... SCARY!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dkati belches fire...

.. After a brief hiatus from Azeroth, I have returned to find the Midsummer festival in full swing. After visiting a few flames, I received a really potent drink. So potent, in fact, that it caught nmy breath on fire! I think I'll be missing my eyebrows for a while... *sigh*