Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dkati finds a great armor list...

As I've hit the upper end of my career, I've started a hankering for new gear. I ran across a link that shows where all the nifty rogue stuff comes from. Woot!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Dkati, a big blade, and a black mask....

Sweeeeetness. Little gnome, big blade!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dkati finds the best quote ever...

I found this on the World of Warcraft General Forums. It made me giggle a lot, especially the part about being paid in imaginary magic uniforms.

And thus, Kaganfindel of the Sanguis Sodalitas guild, said:

"What's the point in topping out a character in a game you don't enjoy, anyway? You'll spend every night working the same instance over for treasure and ignoring that big, beautiful game world because you've turned the game into an office job that pays in imaginary magic uniforms for you to wear to work. "

Simply fantastic. The rest of the post can be found here, assuming it hasn't fallen off the forums.